There are 31 fortress ruins on Tsushima. The Japanese military built the forts from the late 1880s through the 1930s. Although the famous naval Battle of Tsushima took place near the island during the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, the fortifications on Tsushima never saw actual battle. The American military dismantled the installations after Word War II, and many are now crumbling as nature reclaims the sites. A number of the forts are still available for exploration.
★★★★★ Easily accessible ★ Difficult/ Long/ Dangerous Condition of Ruins
★★★★★ Excellent/ Complete ★ Falling apart/ Dangerous/ Not much left Surrounding Scenery
★★★★★ Excellent/ Rewarding ★ Bad/ Surrounded by trees or bushes |
Toyo Battery Ruins 【豊砲台跡】

Located in Toyo, Kamitsushima town (上対馬町豊)
The most intact of the fortress ruins on Tsushima, Toyo is located on the far northern tip of the island. A battleship's main armament was placed in this fort in March 1934. Not used in actual battle, it has taken on the guise of a "phantom fort" but the barracks, pedestal, and cellar recall the appearance of that time.
※ Be sure to turn on the lights (red button next to the entrance) before you go in.
The most intact of the fortress ruins on Tsushima, Toyo is located on the far northern tip of the island. A battleship's main armament was placed in this fort in March 1934. Not used in actual battle, it has taken on the guise of a "phantom fort" but the barracks, pedestal, and cellar recall the appearance of that time.
※ Be sure to turn on the lights (red button next to the entrance) before you go in.
Accessibility ★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★
Saozaki Fortress Ruins 【棹崎砲台跡】

Located in Sago, Kamiagata town (上県町佐護)
Close to the Tsushima Wildlife Conservation Center, Saozaki fortress has been turned into a park. The remaining portions of the fort are in good condition for a quick walkthrough. The park also contains a lighthouse and a monument marking the northwesternmost point in Japan. The city of Busan, Korea is visible from the park on clear days.
Close to the Tsushima Wildlife Conservation Center, Saozaki fortress has been turned into a park. The remaining portions of the fort are in good condition for a quick walkthrough. The park also contains a lighthouse and a monument marking the northwesternmost point in Japan. The city of Busan, Korea is visible from the park on clear days.
Accessibility ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Kamizaka Fortress Ruins 【上見坂堡塁】

Located in Kitazato, Izuhara town (厳原町北里)
Kamizaka fortress was built before the Russo-Japanese war. Like Saozaki, it was converted into a park and is popular among tourists and locals. From the viewing platform, you can see the beautiful view of Aso bay. When you walk around the area, you'll discover the remains of the fort such as the barracks, the gun platforms, the trench, and so on.
Kamizaka fortress was built before the Russo-Japanese war. Like Saozaki, it was converted into a park and is popular among tourists and locals. From the viewing platform, you can see the beautiful view of Aso bay. When you walk around the area, you'll discover the remains of the fort such as the barracks, the gun platforms, the trench, and so on.
Accessibility ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Tsutsuzaki Fortress Ruins 【豆酘崎砲台跡】

Located in Tsutsu, Izuhara town (厳原町豆酘)
There was a gun battery on the site during the first half of the 20th century, but it was dismantled after World War II. A lighthouse was built in 1987 on what was the observatory of the fort. The gun platform and the armory still remain today. Tsutsuzaki (or Cape Tsutsu) is now a popular tourist place where you can see an extraordinary view of the East China Sea.
There was a gun battery on the site during the first half of the 20th century, but it was dismantled after World War II. A lighthouse was built in 1987 on what was the observatory of the fort. The gun platform and the armory still remain today. Tsutsuzaki (or Cape Tsutsu) is now a popular tourist place where you can see an extraordinary view of the East China Sea.
Accessibility ★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Himegamiyama Fortress Ruins 【姫神山砲台跡】

Located in Okata, Mitsushima town (美津島町緒方)
Himegami fortress was built during the Russo-Japanese era (early 1900s). It features some of the most complete ruins. A 2km walk up the mountain allows you to see the fortress as well as a wonderful view of the surrounding bay.
Himegami fortress was built during the Russo-Japanese era (early 1900s). It features some of the most complete ruins. A 2km walk up the mountain allows you to see the fortress as well as a wonderful view of the surrounding bay.
Accessibility ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Orisebana Fortress Ruins 【折瀬鼻砲台跡】

Located in Okata, Mitsushima town (美津島町緒方)
The fortress was built in the 1900s around the time of Russo-Japanese war. Take a fork in the road that leads to Himegami and follow the path towards the sea. Once you get to the fortress, you can find another path that leads to the lighthouse.
The fortress was built in the 1900s around the time of Russo-Japanese war. Take a fork in the road that leads to Himegami and follow the path towards the sea. Once you get to the fortress, you can find another path that leads to the lighthouse.
Accessibility ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★
Jyoyama Fortress Ruins 【城山砲台跡】

Located in Kurose, Mitsushima town (美津島町黒瀬)
Jyoyama, meaning "castle mountain," was the site of a 7th-century mountain castle built to defend against a possible invasion from the Asian continent. The Japanese military took advantage of the mountain's strategic location in modern times as well, building this fortress around 1900. You can explore both the ancient and modern ruins in a couple of hours.
Jyoyama, meaning "castle mountain," was the site of a 7th-century mountain castle built to defend against a possible invasion from the Asian continent. The Japanese military took advantage of the mountain's strategic location in modern times as well, building this fortress around 1900. You can explore both the ancient and modern ruins in a couple of hours.
Accessibility ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Jyoyama Fuzoku (Attached) Fortress Ruins 【城山付属堡塁】

Located in Kurose, Mitsushima town (美津島町黒瀬)
This fort was built in the early 1900s. It is located about 1.2 km away from the main trail to Jyoyama fortress (see above). Remains include the armory, the well, and more. The view from here is excellent.
This fort was built in the early 1900s. It is located about 1.2 km away from the main trail to Jyoyama fortress (see above). Remains include the armory, the well, and more. The view from here is excellent.
Accessibility ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Imozaki Fortress Ruins 【芋崎砲台跡】

Located in Imozaki, Mitsushima town (美津島町芋崎)
A Russian ship called "Posadnik" arrived and Russia occupied Imozaki inlet in early 1861. They occupied the area for about six months before they were eventually driven away after Japan received help from Britain. A fortress was later built to prevent a similar event from happening again.
A Russian ship called "Posadnik" arrived and Russia occupied Imozaki inlet in early 1861. They occupied the area for about six months before they were eventually driven away after Japan received help from Britain. A fortress was later built to prevent a similar event from happening again.
Accessibility ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★
Oyama Fortress Ruins 【大山砲台跡】

Located in Oyama, Mitsushima town (美津島町大山)
Oyama fortress is located on the top of the sacred Mt. Asaji (浅茅山),which was mentioned in the Manyo-shu, a collection of ancient Japanese poetry. The Oyama ruins are not as complete as some others, but are probably the most accessible. The entrance to the mountain hike is right next to the Oyama (大山) bus stop on national road 382 (Tsushima's main road).
Oyama fortress is located on the top of the sacred Mt. Asaji (浅茅山),which was mentioned in the Manyo-shu, a collection of ancient Japanese poetry. The Oyama ruins are not as complete as some others, but are probably the most accessible. The entrance to the mountain hike is right next to the Oyama (大山) bus stop on national road 382 (Tsushima's main road).
Accessibility ★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★
Kashitake Fortress Ruins 【樫岳砲台跡】

Located in Osaki, Mitsushima town (美津島町尾崎)
Built during the Russo-Japanese war, Kashitake is one of three accessible ruins on the Osaki peninsula. It features four complete gun platforms as well as the armory and the remains of the main gate.
Built during the Russo-Japanese war, Kashitake is one of three accessible ruins on the Osaki peninsula. It features four complete gun platforms as well as the armory and the remains of the main gate.
Accessibility ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★
Goyama Fortress Ruins 【郷山砲台跡】

Located in Osaki, Mitsushima town (美津島町尾崎)
Built during the Russo-Japanese war, Gouyama is one of three accessible ruins on the Osaki peninsula. The road branches in some areas so follow the signs carefully. Once you get to Gouyama, you can see a wonderful view from the top.
Built during the Russo-Japanese war, Gouyama is one of three accessible ruins on the Osaki peninsula. The road branches in some areas so follow the signs carefully. Once you get to Gouyama, you can see a wonderful view from the top.
Accessibility ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★
Takozaki Fortress Ruins 【多功崎砲台跡】

Located in Osaki, Mitsushima town (美津島町尾崎)
Built during the Russo-Japanese war, Takozaki is one of three accessible ruins on the Osaki peninsula. The site is well preserved and is easy to walk around. When you take the road that leads to the shore, you'll discover remains which seem to have been used as a communication office.
Built during the Russo-Japanese war, Takozaki is one of three accessible ruins on the Osaki peninsula. The site is well preserved and is easy to walk around. When you take the road that leads to the shore, you'll discover remains which seem to have been used as a communication office.
Accessibility ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★
Ohira Lower & Upper Fortress Ruins 【大平低・高砲台跡】

Located in Hirugaura, Mitsushima town (美津島町昼ケ浦)
The lower fortress was built in the 1890s around the time of the Sino-Japanese war. It is built along the road and is easy to find. Unfortunately, the armory is now used as storage by the locals.
After a short climb, you can find what's left of the old military road. Once you get to the top, you'll discover upper Ohira fortress which was built in early 1900s around the Russo-Japanese war. Although not as well preserved as some of the other fortress ruins, Ohira is still a nice adventure with an extremely rewarding view.
The lower fortress was built in the 1890s around the time of the Sino-Japanese war. It is built along the road and is easy to find. Unfortunately, the armory is now used as storage by the locals.
After a short climb, you can find what's left of the old military road. Once you get to the top, you'll discover upper Ohira fortress which was built in early 1900s around the Russo-Japanese war. Although not as well preserved as some of the other fortress ruins, Ohira is still a nice adventure with an extremely rewarding view.
Lower Ruins
Accessibility ★★★★★ Condition of Ruins ★★ Surrounding Scenery ★ |
Upper Ruins
Accessibility ★★★ Condition of Ruins ★★★ Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★ |
Nishidomari Fortress Ruins 【西泊砲台跡】
Located in Tomigaura, Kamitsushima town (上対馬町富ヶ浦)
Nishidomari was built during the first half of the 20th century. Look for the rope hanging from a tree. Once you climb up, you will see an old military road to the right. Remains include the observatory, the gun platforms, and the armories. The observatory has a similar structure to the observatory in Saozaki fortress. The site is preserved well but the trail is crumbling in some areas. |
Accessibility ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
ShijyuYatani Fortress Ruins 【四十八谷砲台跡】

Located in Shimayama, Mitsushima town (美津島町島山)
Until the construction of the Aso Pearl Bridge in 1994, Shimayama was an isolated island located in Aso bay. Shijyuyatani fortress contains three separated forts built in the early 1900s around the time of the Russo-Japanese war. Remains include the armories, six gun platforms, and observatories. Most forts on Tsushima were used by the Japanese army, however, Shijyuyatani was used by the Japanese navy. It is only accessible by boat or sea kayak.
Until the construction of the Aso Pearl Bridge in 1994, Shimayama was an isolated island located in Aso bay. Shijyuyatani fortress contains three separated forts built in the early 1900s around the time of the Russo-Japanese war. Remains include the armories, six gun platforms, and observatories. Most forts on Tsushima were used by the Japanese army, however, Shijyuyatani was used by the Japanese navy. It is only accessible by boat or sea kayak.
Accessibility ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Tatsunozaki No.1 Battery Ruins 【竜ノ崎第一砲台跡】

Located in Agami, Izuhara town (厳原町安神)
The site is currently used by the Japanese self defense force and is off-limits.
However, you can still see the armory built during the first half of the 20th century.
NOTE: A flashlight is necessary.
The site is currently used by the Japanese self defense force and is off-limits.
However, you can still see the armory built during the first half of the 20th century.
NOTE: A flashlight is necessary.
Accessibility ★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★
Surrounding Scenery ★
Condition of Ruins ★★
Surrounding Scenery ★
Tatsunozaki No.2 Battery Ruins 【竜ノ崎第二砲台跡】

Located in Agami, Izuhara town (厳原町安神)
Built during the first half of the 20th century, Tatsunozaki No.2 battery ruins has a similar structure to Toyo battery ruins in Kamitsushima, but smaller. The area is not well maintained and is falling apart.
NOTE: A flashlight is necessary.
Built during the first half of the 20th century, Tatsunozaki No.2 battery ruins has a similar structure to Toyo battery ruins in Kamitsushima, but smaller. The area is not well maintained and is falling apart.
NOTE: A flashlight is necessary.
Accessibility ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★
Oishiura Fortress Ruins 【大石浦砲台跡】

Located in Fukari, Toyotama town (豊玉町深里)
Oishiura fortress was built around the time of the Sino-Japanese war. Look for the sign that leads to the fortress. Once you climb up, you'll get to an open area where you can see a wonderful view. The fortress is located not far from there. The remains of the armory and gun platforms are preserved well, but unfortunately they were covered with cut down trees.
Oishiura fortress was built around the time of the Sino-Japanese war. Look for the sign that leads to the fortress. Once you climb up, you'll get to an open area where you can see a wonderful view. The fortress is located not far from there. The remains of the armory and gun platforms are preserved well, but unfortunately they were covered with cut down trees.
Accessibility ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★
Nukue Fortress Ruins 【温江砲台跡】

Located in Kaifuna, Toyotama town (豊玉町貝鮒)
Nukue fortress was built around the time of the Sino-Japanese war. There is a temple up on a hill in Kaifuna district which is the starting point for the hike to the fort. Follow the trail markers and you'll eventually get to a dam. Once you walk across the dam, you'll start to see stone markers placed by the Japanese military and what's left of the old military road. Nukue fortress is located deep in the woods.
Nukue fortress was built around the time of the Sino-Japanese war. There is a temple up on a hill in Kaifuna district which is the starting point for the hike to the fort. Follow the trail markers and you'll eventually get to a dam. Once you walk across the dam, you'll start to see stone markers placed by the Japanese military and what's left of the old military road. Nukue fortress is located deep in the woods.
Accessibility ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★
Osakiyama Fortress Ruins 【大崎山砲台跡】

Located in Oura, Izuhara town (厳原町尾浦)
Osakiyama fortress was built during the first half of the 20th century. The starting point is located right next to the southern exit of Shin-Kuta tunnel (新久田トンネル). Osakiyama is not as complete as some of the other ruins. Remains include the gun platforms, the restroom, the stairs to the observatory, and more.The GHQ (General Headquarters) destructive squad dismantled the observatory after WWII.
Osakiyama fortress was built during the first half of the 20th century. The starting point is located right next to the southern exit of Shin-Kuta tunnel (新久田トンネル). Osakiyama is not as complete as some of the other ruins. Remains include the gun platforms, the restroom, the stairs to the observatory, and more.The GHQ (General Headquarters) destructive squad dismantled the observatory after WWII.
Accessibility ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★
Surrounding Scenery ★
Condition of Ruins ★
Surrounding Scenery ★
Takesaki Fortress Ruins 【竹崎砲台跡】

Located in Kamoise, Mitsushima town (美津島町鴨居瀬)
Takesaki fortress was built during the first half of the 20th century. The starting point to the fortress is located near Houdai-ato(砲台跡) bus stop. Follow the path and turn right where the road splits, then look for the trail on the left where it leads up the mountain. Remains include the gate, the well, and the dock which the Japanese military used as a supply line. There is also a measure which was used to check the tide. The area is covered in thick bush, so it's hard to walk through, but the shore has an excellent view.
Takesaki fortress was built during the first half of the 20th century. The starting point to the fortress is located near Houdai-ato(砲台跡) bus stop. Follow the path and turn right where the road splits, then look for the trail on the left where it leads up the mountain. Remains include the gate, the well, and the dock which the Japanese military used as a supply line. There is also a measure which was used to check the tide. The area is covered in thick bush, so it's hard to walk through, but the shore has an excellent view.
Accessibility ★
Condition of Ruins ★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★
Komatsuzaki Fortress Ruins 【小松崎砲台跡】

Located in Mawari, Toyotama town (豊玉町廻)
Komatsuzaki was built during the first half of the 20th century. The starting point is located up the hill just past Ikedahama stone embankment. The road is not well maintained but the trail is marked with pink tape. The last part is a difficult climb but once you get to the top, you can see a wonderful view of the ocean and Ushijima Island. Remains include gun platforms, observatory, and shelter.
Komatsuzaki was built during the first half of the 20th century. The starting point is located up the hill just past Ikedahama stone embankment. The road is not well maintained but the trail is marked with pink tape. The last part is a difficult climb but once you get to the top, you can see a wonderful view of the ocean and Ushijima Island. Remains include gun platforms, observatory, and shelter.
Accessibility ★
Condition of Ruins ★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Neo Fortress Ruins 【根緒堡塁】

Located in Neo, Mitsushima town (美津島町根緒)
The site is currently used by the Japanese self defense force and is off-limits. Three forts were built in Neo before the Russo-Japanese war. Remains include the barracks, the gun platforms, and the trench.
The site is currently used by the Japanese self defense force and is off-limits. Three forts were built in Neo before the Russo-Japanese war. Remains include the barracks, the gun platforms, and the trench.
Accessibility ★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★
Gosaki Fortress Ruins 【郷埼砲台跡】

Located in Osaki, Mitsushima town (美津島町尾崎)
Gosaki was built during the first half of the 20th century. The site is currently used by the Japanese self defense force and is off-limits. Remains include the observatory, armories, and gun platforms.
Gosaki was built during the first half of the 20th century. The site is currently used by the Japanese self defense force and is off-limits. Remains include the observatory, armories, and gun platforms.
Accessibility ★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★
Condition of Ruins ★★★
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★
Usuzaki Fortress Ruins 【臼崎砲台跡】
Located in Goneo, Kamitsushima town (上対馬町五根緒)
Usuzaki was built during the first half of the 20th century. The fort was constructed in haste and therefore, it is smaller compared to most fortresses on the island. The area is covered in thick bush and is difficult to see the remains. In addition, there’s not much to see. |
Accessibility ★★★
Condition of Ruins ★
Surrounding Scenery ★
Condition of Ruins ★
Surrounding Scenery ★
Unijima Fortress Ruins 【海栗島砲台跡】

Located in Waniura, Kamitsushima town (上対馬町鰐浦)
The fortress was built on Unijima island during the first half of the 20th century. The site is currently used by the Japanese self defense force and is off-limits. However, you can see the island from the Korean viewpoint.
The fortress was built on Unijima island during the first half of the 20th century. The site is currently used by the Japanese self defense force and is off-limits. However, you can see the island from the Korean viewpoint.
Accessibility -
Condition of Ruins -
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★
Condition of Ruins -
Surrounding Scenery ★★★★★